Stop living from DIRECT DEPOSIT to PAYDAY LOAN to TITLE PAWN to LOAN from your mom to DIRECT DEPOSIT.

Crawl Before You Ball
Change Your Relationship with Money
You will learn to change your relationship with money - for good. Your money should work for you - you should NOT be working for your money.
Earn, Save, Repeat, and Enjoy
You will learn my personal finance mantra “earn, save, repeat, and ball occasionally!” I will help you address your need for instant gratification and conquer that demon!
Needs vs. Wants: Budgeting Smart
I will teach you the REAL difference between needs and wants and how to categorize them in your monthly financial budget.
Banking, Budgeting, and Investing Basics
I will share my favorite types of bank accounts, budgeting tools, and beginner investment vehicles with you.
Why Choose Us
This Course Is Designed for Everyone
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fun & interactive homework
Wayment what - homework? Our homework assignments provide you with real-life practice to ensure that the #cb4ub way of life becomes your new "personal financial normal"
no fancy financial jargon
I am known for keeping it real and that is exactly what I do with this course. It is delivered in a very non-intimidating manner. My constant use of slang may throw some people a bit, lol.
we are ALL crawlin' with you
Real-time community support discussion board provided with each lesson if you have questions or just need a little encouragement. Trust me, we are ALL crawlin' with you and want you to succeed!
This Course Is Designed for Everyone
What They Say
Crawl Before You Ball ®
Author Buffie Purselle

Frequently asked questions.
Buffie is a nationally recognized personal financial expert.
Folks with income ranging from $10,000 to $400,000 a year shared the same story of living from paycheck to paycheck.
I call them the secret poor…Folks with income ranging from $10,000 to $400,000 a year shared the same story of living from paycheck to paycheck.
I call them the secret poor…
#cb4ub has launched and is currently enrolling..

Crawl Before You Ball
At Crawl Before You Ball, we know that you want to build a financially secure future with your partner. To do that, you need expert guidance on how to manage money as a couple. The problem is financial stress often strains relationships, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and unsure about the future.
We believe that financial empowerment is key to strengthening relationships. We understand how money can be a source of tension, which is why we offer:
- 1. Personalized Financial Coaching: Address your specific needs and goals.
- 2. Interactive Courses: Learn actionable strategies that transform your finances.
- 3. Ongoing Support: Stay on track with resources, podcasts, and expert advice.
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